
High LevelNESS - Simple Constructs: WAM BAM #29

That I dare, that I do not fear, that I attempt, that I go
That my intellect does not becomes narrow
That my patience level turns glue-like, flexible
That I recover manners and treat people in the eye
That I know to find the extra second to include the isolated in day2day
That I pursue things that are organic, not force
That I welcome ALWAYS the unknown
That I have no regrets

That I move the currents, feel splash water, bathe

That I stop NOT, that I approach the masterpiece: the unthought, unchartered, risk taker angles

That I remain hopeful, expectant, engaged

That I watch no one else but my own resilience: set authenticity parameters

I am expecting
Metric Tons

White Cable Space [London Spring]

Carvs own caves
Gravel digs
Alambre, a request

Exists in isolation
Hectic clocks
Minutes insufficient 
Alambre, linking awakenings 

In  productivity, lives
In efficiency, devolves
We evolve
I want to revolt

Carve thy own standards 
Empires necessitating an statemind
Requirements, alambre

Walks in lust
Nude and flaunting, in caves 
Surrounded and enclosed 
White, headphones, dead space 

Mindlessly building soundtracks
Sounds reinforce mood 

We devolve
We evolve 
I want to revolt

Does not look at people in the eye
Hasn't time
Does not look at people in the eye
Hasn't love 
Does not look me into the eye
Hasn't me

And fall he falls 
Abysms he fills 
Assured, apt
Release the alpha dog
Send thy humper 
Lets. Dawn. Let's dawn!
Bring control 
White cables drop 
For once and at once 

Sounds reinforce mood 
We devolve
We evolve 
I want to revolt

Cannot carve 
Caves they are 
I am omitted not planted
Fell onto White 
Civil cable space 

It is feeling in circles 
It is drowning 
Weight on 

I want to revolt


Morning Glory

Rockering. Into the pavement. And onto the street beyond. Urban soldiering with the morning, we go. Presented in black and white. Presented in shade of rocking beats, every day, coffee, to go. Every night, beats to trascend. Heart on dance floor. Hope splatered in ice cubes. Look back, look for, look at, neon lights.

And on the day to day. And on to the night to night. Hips shake inside, they cannot show outside. Unless there is no passer-by. In the midst of the soundtrack, the ever rocking flow of water, under bridges, into the arms, down throught the arm pits. Seaweeds in fresh water. Thoughts meandering, they are not noticed. Mind travelling, waiting for lightning to strike.


Daily Disrupt - Ions

"Daily Disruptions" menas introducing a manual activity to break your routine to visualize and become aware of activites you are undertaking but failing to manage.

2 reasons why: a) develop awarenes of who you are and where you are in day to day basis via a easy to use accesible tool that will permit to combat larger unexpected outcomes, b) gain an understanding of your status quo in real time, with the ability to change it, and not be a victim of time.

I want to see life, for what is.
Get it, for what it is.
Love it, for what it is.

Discípulos del Ser

Discipulos del ser, caminando rodeados de influencias.
Discipulos en psyches, caminando en espirales, contorneandose verticales, horizontales, circularmente.

Discipulos peregrinos que parecen encontrar destinos
Sin previo aviso, sin motivo fijo, solo cambiantes sondas de presion en organos que mueren.

Vida que se escapa poco a poco, del cuerpo
Vida que llega agigantadamente, al espiritu

Retazos de tela, formas electricas, ropa sobre la piel
Ninguna de las mantas necesarias para despedir, perdonar, o amar.

Crear lazos en silencio, sentir el amor pasando por tus dedos.
Tener que conversar con discipulos de tu ser para entenderlo, al amor, y recordarlo.

Amor que ocurrio y promete regresar.
Regresar fino, como un hilo conductor, hecho de cobre, penetrando las venas, los tejidos, y lleno sangre.

Discipulos, influencias, seran para los suyos.

Yo no tengo mios.
Solo tengo un recuerdo. Una "lembranza", de lo que es el amor.

Savador da Baia - Brasil - Julio 2010

Captain Ray

Your hands are
So much smaller than
Your intellect

Your kind belongs
To where your mind belongs

To that heart of yours

Where did you come from?
Hijo del capital rayo