
Hero with Its Thousand Faces

So on my end. There is no love. No heart. Barely feelings. At peace with myself. No longer challenging being blue or white or green. Nothing. My time is expiring. And life is waiting. Today. Regardless of its expiration.

Now charting some change. The rataplan:

-> Connect
* With People
* Pursuing new dreams
+ Building ventures
= Innovating the way people live
= Pushing envelopes
= Creating something new.

-> Balance ego
* High learning opportunity

-> Success will follow

But I need time, to live, to be. Hero with Its Thousand Faces. Live it in full.

-> Things to test:
- I turn 31 on June 16, how is it possible that I have never been in love?
- How is it possible a drawer of mine as never been shared [ever!]?
- I want to create and then I sit on computers
- I want sun and I am summersed by clouds
- I want the ocean
- I need to create a masterpiece

-> Things to test:
- If I die today, I would not be happy
- If I die today, my life would go unmarked
- If I die today, I have nothing to show
- If I die today, it would likely take 2-3 days for someone to find out, perhaps longer
- If I die today, I have lived in mediocrity
- If I die today, my present is not right
- If I die today, I never got to test my genius

-> Ways to change:
- If I have 10 minutes to live, I would call my family, speak to my nieces, wish them everything
- If I have 1 week to live, publish my journals and paintings, party sessions, fly everyone I love in
- If I have 6 months to live, I would move to the ocean, paint the largest scale masterpiece
- If I have 1 year to live, cycle from London to Quito, interview humans "on love" along the way
- If I have 5 years to live, I would build a new venture, the Walker brand that disrupts it all
- If I have 10 years to live....

How to see life?
By constraining present?

Send me news.