
At your Insistence

LHR Waiting Line - 03/01/2013

That both you and me talk. Unexpectedly. At your insistence.

In a bright, airy, beach museum. In that corner. That you corner me.

That you inquire. That I answer. That I tell you I have never been touch properly. Ever.

That a gap is there. Right in between chest and leg space.

And that I dont long at all. That I am just telling you. At your insistence.

Becase you asked.

And really, since when have there been any questions of this nature raised to me before?

Neva. Eva.

So feel at ease, and have me by the window. Have me there. At your insistence.

By inquisition or by touh. Both intrigue me, equally, and as much.

As long as Cat Power is playing. As long as you shut me up.

Really, no other way forward.

Look Like a Rat

Get to tha club. Look like a drowned harassed rat. Get to tha door. And phone me. I know you are coming. We need be blind dropping. That we can celebrate that circle. That little minute where and when it all collapses. Imagine, you the fool. Bring back the candor. The silence. The fog machine. The music. And the beats must go on. As we head on to nature and naked we meander. In tunnels. Tat is what we do anyway. Walking. Next to each other. In our humanity. That is so grand.

Chao - Mayan Dates

A story is starting as the world is ending. How unfair. Chaos around and yet no one there to hear it. By bits and pieces, it will all be recollected and one day understood again. The soil trace itself. That will be one day dry, beautiful, and with no wind in sight. No one will even suggest a different course of action. Everything must stop, spectacularly, everything must end.

The Mayans were right. And life shall continue to the next predicted end. We do not want to cease. Off we go. And I mean it. As I too spectacularly shall cease. Come to an end. Without wind. Spectacularly.


My 2013 is for:
Improving appearance.
New friends
Different things

It is February and I have delivered none. But first things first, the above mix wishes with actions. And a lot are not up to you. So, clean, up, think, organise, re-structure.

My Famous Last Words - After Vipassana

Hereford - UK - August 28, 2011

Today you sit under a tree. Like Buddha did. It is the end of the ten day course and you are now a Vipassana old studnt. Seeking nothing but equanimity. Nothing but true clarity and emergence of the hard hitting heavy patterns of mind that generate craving and missery. Silence being kept for a reason. Only 11 words uttered over 10 days. With a clean body you leave to your 29. Let's do this EC. Time to live thoroughly. And remember: equanimity, and awareness are tho things of your bird. Fly.


Instrucciones - Parte I

1. Bienvenido a casa. Relajate. Quitate los zapatos. No me busques. No estoy aqui.

2. Necesito que sigas las instrucciones en orden. No sueltes esta tarjeta. Es tu guia. Tenla en tu mano y llevala a medida que cumplas cada paso.

3. Ahora, comenzamos. Camina hacia la "refrigeradora" - sobre ella, encontraras una tarjeta con el #1 encima. Leela. Es para ti.

4. Cuando hayas terminado, sirvete un poco de champagne que esta en la mesa, sientate dos segundos, y piensa en mi. Lo que soy para ti. Y sea lo que sea. Dejate ir.

5. En el mueble de la sala, en el cajon, hay algo esperandote. Miralo y lee la Parte 2.

6. Te digo "gracias" pero eso no es suficiente. Cuanto te agradezco por todo. No puedo estar un dia mas aqui. Me tengo que ir.

7. En la tarjeta 3, en tu cuarto, junto a la orquidea esta todo. Me he marchado. No creo que te vuelva a ver.

Gracias por todo. De nuevo.

China Thoughts

Beijing - May 13, 2010 - Intellect Machinery

Build up the intellectual power and seek knowledge. Let yourself take you far into ideas that can and will change the world. Be pragmatic. Dive into finance and Master it. Much ground ought to be covered. Do it. And push yourself. And classmates. And professors. Master of my make. Again. And deliver.

Beijing - May 13, 2010 -

Ciudades que emergen a la naturaleza de mi presente. Emergen, ergidos, por toda la historia que cae sobre mi, abrazando entera la promesa del cambio. China, en mi generacion, como un pais, como un momento unico.

Tip - Manten los ojos abiertos a la arquitectura de la vida. Los lugares y sus formas. Que nuna un lugar sea ya visto. Ya entendido. Ya explotado. Hay tanto en cada esquina. Mira.

Shanghai - Mayo 12, 2010 - Two days before leaving

Hierve la tarde y efervesce el rio. Linternas rojas, con tonalidades brillantes, amarillas, ilumniaos. Llueven luces del cielo en ventanas. Se pierden interconecciones entre puerta y puerta. Vecinos que aspiran, gloria, y grandeza. China como solamente ocurriria aqui. El bosque, de la China, Shanghai. Suena. Resuena. Tecnologia y agua. Sol que apenas brilla. Aca se vive entre la niebla que resplandece.

China - World Expo - Shanghai - May 10, 2010

If children made the city, how would it look like? Bycicles parked in front of a video projector. Travel through. Think of a project for video and paintings and drawings. If a child is to create the world, how would it look it? Think harder, actually, how would YOU have designed the city as a child? Perhaps that exercise will yield answers on what you ought to do. There is a lot of light lots, bubbles, air, modern french music. Imagine. All the people. How would you have created a city? He. Creating. Do it in your painting and writing. You have a chance. Also, remember, people sitting on circles on floor pavilion screen. Blue plastic circles.

Chile - Pavilion - la propuesta chilena brilla. Es nueva. Fresca. Aventurera. Poetica. Profunda. Chile encuentra una manera de encaminar todos los principios posibles para utilizar este evento como una herramienta de apertura mas que eso, como una carta de presentacion de Chile al mundo. Un verdadero punto de encuentro. Tronco con sonidos de Chile. Totems de pilares. Industria minera.

China - Thoughts

Hace dias hablaba de ser atento. De desarrollarme caballero y tener atencion al detalle. Es cabal hacerlo. Ahora, punto y luego aparte.

1. A cada persona, su tiempo, su saludo, su atencion.
2. Mirar a los ojos, reconocer nombres.
3. Agradecer. De gestos.
4. Ser educado. Caballero.
5. Manejar el lenguage de una manera precisa.
6. Acortar lo dicho. Ser mas subito. Desaparecer mas rapido.

Mayo 13, 2010 - China

"Trascender y estar presente, estado puro de la consciencia. El llegar no es la meta, el viaje es la meta. Feliz existencia para ti." Sara Roitman

China Wall

Great Wall of China - China - May 13, 2010

Perched on a high mountain, thousand stones embracing my naked body. Literacy rates increasing in my eyes as the carvings explain. And they say what it should have been said. That I have stood here. Today and that I am a rock, for long enough. That my heart beats and breathes with history. That I am inbuilt. Unable to feel. To sense. But amazed as I am that this has been built. Built by sages in honesty and durability. Like my past. Increasing power. A wall is as strong as a man's heart. This wall is fable. Fragile. I can see it from space. Like my terracota heart. Arching. To the stronghold around.

England is my Future

UK Pavillon - World Expo - 2010 - Shanghai

Mountains of gray carpet, created, for the masses, a city on a seed, the weather, the climate, England, and its miracle, are my future.

Contemplo mi futuro: Inglaterra. Sentado en una parcela de grama gris. Donde ha llovido semillas acrilicas. La sociedad privada, la sociedad civil Inglesa, sere parte de ella.

Pulsa mucho mas rapido. Que reto llegar por fin, a un lugar del mundo donde hay nostalgia por el progreso. Donde hay fortaleza creativa.

Chapter 8: Sunk

He had been present. That was the summary of it all. He WAS there. Nowhere else. His mind, WAS there. At that beach. And he knew, objectively, that he took on more than he could chew. Regardless, a pinnacle reached. No voices. No sounds. No distractions. Just the ever present arrival and retreat of ocean waves. The light of moon. The night of beach.

Incredible temptation to continue. As far as he knew, it was lust, to be on his knees, on the beach, with the warm caribbean ocean water, and the sand covering his skin. Lust, not felt in years! Not from a touch, not from sight, not from anything. The purest source, like the last leaf falling on Autumn from the trees, and this water feeling like the tremor the ground feels when the leaf hits the ground, finally, announcing, a new era.

At the age of 27, naked. Pure. Unusual. No shirt. No shorts. Nothing. The lightness of the night. And the fading bar light. Aroused by palm trees, four of them, the Army of Four. Unacceptably insane. But without apologies.

The wind felt his testicles. His inner thighs. Pressed to particles of outdoors, to air carrying random ocean drops to his legs. Life suddenly became manageable, clear, simple. Life became common place. And clear. "How ridiculous, these are precisely the gates that mind opens. The meticulous, ever present, self-analysis, requiring you to tall standards. Well, today, you are not invited, but you still keep coming". There was something about that night being about water, ocean, moon, night, silence, and music, and libations. And nothing else.

But he failed. Centuries went by his mind. He decided to dress. He was completely distracted. Everything understood, was gone. It all took flight. And as he dressed and looked up, the palm trees had no answer. He should have taken care of himself. There. Right then. But did not.


The next morning, X rose. The air outside felt fresh, the ocean smelled. The morning breeze of the island felt like an extension of his breathe descending the stairs to his balcony, he looked at the ocean ahead. The ocean a reminder of his brief and failed encounter. The night before. His walk of gain. He was dumped and observed and humiliated by trees. They allowed him to walk back alone. They did not make an effort to stop him. They did not talk back. He still wondered what he was supposed to do now?

A cup of tea rested on the table in front of him. He stopped drinking coffee for an entire year. On his way to the ocean, he stopped at the village's downtown. Roughly about 80 households and 2000 inhabitants. In 3 days, he felt, they all knew him. "A few more days," X thought, "they are mine too" Tea in the coast always felt a tad strange to him. Warm drinks and beach did not mix. Tea, behin a British induction (according to him) felt terribly aristocrathic for this kind of primitivism. He abandoned it, he looked, at the street in front, without really looking at it. He was back on the motorino, on his way out to the airport.

X's inner monologue went like this:

"The motorcycle under my body, between my thighs, reminds me of my grand performance last night. Four poor innocent palm trees got the best of me. How strange it was that I suddenly started asking a question like that: "What am I supposed to do now" First, why am I asking this? And second, why am I asking it to palm trees? It is very dramatic of me indeed. And now, why is all this a problem. And why is it seminal to whatever I am doing now. Why does it matter at all? Is it the "now" in the statement that matters? Everything else, I understand, but the "now" could only mean two things:

1. that something important took place recently, something changing, that requires something unique

2. that something, anything, took place and I simply do not know how to deal with it

On this motorcyle, I know, the "now" and what it is all about. I have met someone. And I have given way to letting myself out. Enough of the secrecy. The crap. The double life. Reaching the beach was the conclusion of my own "revolutionary process" - of claiming myself, back, like an animal, to feel instinctive, effortlessly light, and fine with it all. There was a now because a lot was understood, and accepted."

He got on a boat and floated on it. To the dark blue sea. He got on a private plane. Later that day, he sunk 30 meters into the ocean.

Re-Invention Tour, Querida Isabela

Galapagos - Diciembre 28, 2008


Magnanimous year comes to an end. A year of turning. Of sudden. Tumbling. A year. Abrupt. A year of endings, of starting.

What is up, Eduardito? Hey. Hi. Je ne plus? Plus. Plus. Plus. It's two. It's three. There is more coming. Delicious.

Astronomical blessing. To come and find the hook, the anzuelo, to calm down the spirit inside. To float in this marea. The succulent not stopping tides. To leave behind the summit that GS was. To leave doors closed, finally. The doors in that New York. That keeps so many moments. The sign, in that punk bathroom, "What a day to be alive!", on top of that toilet, in the corner of the Lower East Side.

An voice inside finally speaking. Good for it, and good for me. To not loose the use of the heart, to remain alive. Outside of the value system, struggled, inherited, overcome. To be at the borderline, at the very edge of one's devotion. In the frontline, where you are still alive.

So many lives found. A series of them. And each spectacular. All of them need to die. And to melt with the lakes of memory. And the vast sight of the tides. ending, stopping, altogether, in circles, drying up, ending. Those lives seemed as though they had no ending. Infinite. And the minute impulse, made it all change. All become new, different, challenged. The will to being young.

Cambio de cuerpo suculento,
Cambio y mudo escamas.
Piel Nueva, lavada en arena, en mar, sol, y lejos de las paredes limitantes.

Y los ojos cercanos, los techos de luz, falsos.
Lejos de las oficinas y del mundo desarrollado.

2008 starts in carnival. At dinner. With a family that is willing to turn around its life. There, then, here, I propose to change my scenarios. My surrounding. And search for depth. And sounds in greater freedom.

"Todo es mentira en este mundo... que sera? Esperando la ultima hora. Arriba" Manu Chao, at Coco Bar, sounds. I think how could you. You are the blood of me. Like te small, minute, tiny impulse. To find it. To let it trigger passion again. Like finding impulse again. A conceptual map. Here it comes, to put 2008, in visible light:

2008 - Reinvention Tour

Jan: Announce intention to leave
Feb: Internal transition opportunities search
March: Market crisis, it's time to go
April: requests to stay
May: Official departure
June: Back to minimalism and to dispossessing everything
July: Back to me, and to cereal, twice a day, simplicity

It's a path carved with axe, bow, and arrow. Hand-made. No one done it for me. They should have. Not a single drop.

I owe myself the plentitude of full life.

No hay miedo. Ni arrenpetimiento.
Es hora de abrir los ojos. Es tiempo de mirar.
De no quedarse parado. De caminar. El camino. Para adelante.

I will not run. Time to soar.